Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunny Sunday Shopping Day

Today we went over the the Domayne in Alexandria to look at their bathroom and kitchens areas. 
Because I can get staff pricing from them (work) we have said to our builder that we will arrange all the bathroom stuff and all the kitchen stuff (oven, range hood etc...)
What we wanted to do today was get a quote so that I could go back in there during the week and get the franchisee to firm up the price for me and give me the 'special' discount.

They were so so busy. Apparently they are having a sale. You would think I would know this... Um, no. I switch off every time something to do with Harvey Norman or Domayne comes on the TV, radio or any catalogues that come in the post.
So, all we ended up doing was having a look around, getting more ideas. Working out what we think we want and I will go in and get it sorted during the week.

On our way home I said to my husband. Do you want to go take a quick look in Baby Kingdom? I can show you  the pram that I would like to get? 
Sure! He said. And I was surprised! 

Mountain Buggy Swift -

So off we went. And didn't we look like a comic act, playing around trying to work out how this pram worked! There was a couple next to us doing the same thing. They were experts! I'm sure they must have thought we were such losers! Oh well. We have a lot to learn.

We also had a bit of a look around the store at the furniture to start to get an idea on price and what was available. 

My head is still spinning.

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Belly Belt

Right. So, I'm only 9 weeks pregnant and already my work pants are feeling quite tight around the waist.
I can't suck my stomach in any more and just have this little 'podge' sticking out.
I think the reality behind my pants being tight is because I have not been doing any exercise at all. Not a thing. I have felt way way too sick to do anything. And it doesn't help that I seem to be hungry ALL THE TIME, and have been eating way more than normal.

I tend to wear pants for work more than dresses or skirts.
I went looking for some the other day that would hopefully be able to see me through for many months. Nothing. Not a thing. They were all horrible, cheap and nasty looking.

What do I do??? I just purchased a Belly Belt! 

Fingers crossed.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Renovation Update

So with all the falling pregnant, new year and getting back to work stuff we really haven't done anything much about the renovations.
Today we met with the builder/architect to go over all the quotes and get more information in areas that we needed.
It is all much clearer now.
It should take 5 months.
Means we do really need to start pretty soon if we are going to be back in time for bugs arrival.

Monday is going to be talk to the bank day about getting the $$$ for the build.
But this weekend we are going to shop around and start getting the quotes for all the bathroom stuff and kitchen stuff (stove, range hood etc...)

Looks like we are actually going somewhere now!
Now to actually start knocking down walls.......

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Twinkle Toes
I stumbled across Nell's blog - On the First Day of Marriage a few months back and I think she sounds like a wonderfully gorgeous lady!

I enjoy catching up on her goings on in down town Bath England, and was so very excited when I saw that she is opening her own Etsy shop!!!

Once we find out the sex of our little bug, I'm going to have a little shop over at Happy Circus!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today and every day I am proud to say I am Australian.
We live in he most beautiful country in the world and should all be so proud.

It's going to be a very hot typically Australian summers day in Sydney today so we are actually going to have a pretty low key quiet day.

Whatever you do today. Enjoy! Make a toast to all your friends and family and say "I'm proud to be an Aussie"

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Words can not explain...

I am still not entirely happy with the heading of this post. I can not find the words...
Today was AMAZING.
The first picture is "apparently" our little bug. The second picture shows bugs heart.

Little bug is currently 19mm long and has a beating heart at a rate of 176bpm.

I cried. Silent tears. I am sure I stopped breathing. I could not speak. I was lost for words.
I was totally overwhelmed. I am totally overwhelmed.
This little thing is inside me. This little bug is going to be our baby!

I am an emotional wreck right now. I could not be happier.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sea Band
I have been recommended to get one of these. A Sea Band. To help with the nausea.
Most women when pregnant say they feel king of sea sick and feel like they are rocking on a boat.
I just feel horribly, terribly hungover.
But I'm willing to give it a go. I'm willing to give anything a go. I just seem to feel crap all the time.
I also have a script from my doctor for Maxalon. But I really don't want to take anything like that unless it gets really really bad.

I am so so excited and also very nervous for our scan tomorrow. It's at 1.35pm. Please think of me and send all the positive vibes you can.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

We have a new toy!

Our new toy!
Our new Macbook Pro!
Here I am typing and blogging away right now on it!
I LOVE it!!!
We have had a very quiet weekend. I was exhausted after my conference.
Still getting quite a lot of nausea which is not pleasant.
Had a session with the Reiki lady yesterday which was again very interesting and great. I feel so calm and peaceful after it. She thinks I'm having a girl?

Lots going on. Lots to tell. So should be a busy week in blog land for me...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A quick little update!

Just a quick one...
Yes, work a owning my life right about now.
Conference has been very productive and a whole lot of fun!
I have just popped home before heading out again in about 20 mins.

Scan booked in for Tuesday at 1.35pm! I CAN'T WAIT!!!

And how about Judd and Twigg's announcing their pregnancy! Didn't she look damn good in that wedding dress for being up the duff!
And good old George from Masterchef! I reckon he is going to be a BRILLIANT dad!

I can't wait for the weekend when I can catch up on everyone's blogs too!!!

Hope you're all well and looking after yourselves.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dr Dr give me the news...
I had my Doctors appointment today.
All went well.
Quite uneventful really.
All my tests came back excellent and right where we want them to be.
I have a referral in my hot little hands for a dating scan! Even though we know the dates, because I want to have the early scan they call it a dating scan.
As of tomorrow morning at 8am my work basically owns me till about 10pm on Friday night.
We have our annual global conference, and it's 3 days of full on conferencing, activities and dinners (and drinking... Not for me though!)
It is going to be great! But oh so tiring. Lucky for me I get to stay at home, because we are having the conference in Sydney which is nice.
The morning sickness is getting worse. Not unbearable, but not great. Doctor gave me a list of things I can take to help and also a prescription for Maxilon which is great for nausea! Although I will only take it if I desperately need it. I don't even like taking panadol for a headache!
I cant wait till next week when I can get my scan!!! Wish I could have gone this week, but just too busy. Boo.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sydney V Melbourne

I moved to Sydney from Melbourne about 7 years ago.
My heart really does belong to Melbourne, but I have so much in Sydney.

While I was away last week with my family I found this really cool cushion in a shop!

This is what it looked like on one side:

And this it what it looked like on the other:

I was going to get it there and then! I loved it! But thought better of it. Deciding to wait till we do the house.
They are from a place called Make me Iconic -
I really don't think they are very expensive and they also have many other great things!

This is something else I would LOVE! But $20 for a mug? Hmm, I think not.

Love this stuff and WILL be getting the cushion some day!

(Sorry for the poor quality of images - Check out the website though!)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Spilling the Beans

Next week we have our annual worldwide sales conference in Sydney.
Yesterday I found out that the activity part of the conference is Circus skills and flying trapeze! Sounds really cool! But not so great for someone that will be 8 weeks pregnant.
This is where we are going

So this morning I arranged a meeting with Mr Boss and spilt the beans.... Yep, I'm 7 weeks pregnant...
He was very happy, not at all surprised and totally understands why I have had to tell him early, but didn't want to.
He is going to keep it top secret and hopefully he doesn't tell a soul...
We had a good old chat. He told me all about his wife and when she was pregnant with his daughter. We had a good old laugh.
I cried... I seem to cry every time I/we tell someone! Must be the hormones...
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now at least if things aren't what they are supposed to be, things don't work out I will have someone that understands.

Tonight we are going to some very close friend of ours for dinner. And we are going to yet again spill the beans! They told us very early on when Sam (Yep another Sam) fell pregnant so we really are excited to tell them! Not sure why I'm taking a really good bottle of Moet? Seeing as I can't drink it... But hey! It's a celebration!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I am so so tired.
I can't seem to get enough sleep.
And even worse. I'm starting to get some 'morning sickness'. I will be 7 weeks tomorrow.
On a happier note, if I am getting all these symptoms I'm hoping the pregnancy is progressing as it should!
Looking forward to my doctors appointment next Tuesday and getting the referral for the 8 week scan.

It is so very sad what is happening in QLD at the moment.
I have stopped watching the TV.
Two years ago when we had the Victorian bush fires I was glued to the TV for hours and days. I knew many people that were affected then. My parents live very close to Kinglake.

A girlfriend of mine is in a bit of a state at the moment. She has friends that have been evacuated. Her mother in law has sprained or maybe broken her ankle and is stuck in her home. They shouldn't flood, but all the roads out are closed. The shops are all closed and the pharmacist lives in the next town so can't come to work. So the pharmacy is closed.

Please keep QLD in your thoughts and prayers. And if you can donate, please do.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Old and Wise

Today is my grandfathers 80th Birthday! All the grand kids call him Pop!
Most people call him Buffalo... Name Robert. Shortened to Bob. Buffalo Bob. Shortened to Buffalo? Crazy Family we are!
I am the oldest of 17 grandchildren!!!
80 and still going strong!
A big party is being thrown for him on Sunday, but we aren't going...
Its a long story, but basically no one would get their act together and organise it. Mum and dad decided that they are sick of organising everything and end up paying for everything so it didn't happen till the last minute.
So then the flights were super expensive and I just can't justify paying $500+ for flights for 2 people even if it is an important event.
He is a pretty cool guy. He actually suffered a stroke when I was a little tacker and recovered really really well. You only ever notice it when he gets tired.
He loves to tell a story and could talk your ear off for hours. I have only fond happy memories of him.
We contemplated telling him about the bug, but he is shocking at keeping secrets so really very best not to!
Anyway, I'm hoping he has a BRILLIANT 80th Birthday! I will catch up with him again in February when we head back down to Melbourne town.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho... It's back to work I go...

The holidays are officially over...
Back to work today. So much to do. I'm tired. I'm used to having a little afternoon nap about now...

Erin (the mister) came back bright and early this morning from LA! And he came bearing gifts! (Well a gift)

He picked it because it matched the bag he bought me for my birthday. Bless him.

Last week while away with my parents I got quite a bit sun burnt. That will teach me for not wearing sunscreen on the beach in the middle of the day...
I'm 31 - you would think I should know better...

The mister couldn't believe how much my body shape had changed in a week! All good I pleaded? YES! He said! And I can't wait for you to have a belly too!
Well I kind of already have a belly... But that's not a baby belly... It's a fat belly...

I am bursting to tell people! And being back at work isn't making it any easier... I have decided to wait till after the 8 week scan and then we have decided to start telling more people. We are just both so very excited! And still can't quite believe it!!!

This is a picture I took on my Blackberry last week (when I got horribly burnt) This is what I would like to to doing right now....

That's me sunbaking burning at the beach in Barwon Heads. We were at the dog beach. You can see my mum and dad, mum's dog Hamish and my sisters dog Milly in  the water.

Friday, January 7, 2011

6 Weeks!

Today I am officially 6 weeks pregnant!
I little bit of relief today. I feel good! I think its all going to plan and the way its meant to!
Back to the doctors in a week and a bit, and will get a referral to get the early 8 week scan.

I'm away at Barwon Heads at my parents holiday house at the moment.
Having a great relaxing time. Lots of walks. Too much sun yesterday.... Naughty.
(No photos, because I don't have the camera - Darling Husband does)

Can't wait to properly check out everyone's blogs when I get back on Sunday!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Boy or Girl?

Well I'm sure you all knew this post would come up eventually?
Why is it that one of the very few questions you get asked when you break the news to someone that you  are up t he duff is... "So do you think you will have a boy or a girl?"

Many many months ago when I was reading Sass and Spice's blog I came across the Chinese Gender Predictor Calender...

It was this one:

So going by this... Age? Well... Was I still 30? or was I 31? When did we conceive? Probably around the 8th-10th? So I was still 30 (Just)
Month of Conception? December.
= Boy (Even if I was 30 or 31)

Then I found this calender doing a google search:

Going by this calender and asking all the same questions... If I was 30 (technically I was) then Boy. But I was so close to my 31st birthday.... So Girl... (different to the other calender)

Time will tell... We will see... At this stage I do want to find out the sex. I might change my mind... But I really really don't think I will... I can't wait that long!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Hi there! (5.4 is how many weeks and days I am pregnant - as per the Doc today)
So it was actually today (Tuesday) that I had the second doctors appointment...
Dr Sarah Weaver. Bloody brilliant! Made me feel so at ease, answered all my questions and took all the time I needed.
She has gone through EVERYTHING. I'm totally excited and a little overwhelmed actually. But its all good.
She wants to re do all my blood tests, urine tests and make sure for herself I'm A O'K
I told her of my concern of miscarriage (I have had a close friend and an aunt miscarry at 6 weeks in the past month. We had a good chat about that. Obviously it is still possible. She reckons given my age, weight, health etc... It is still likely a 1 in 5 chance. I don't mind those odds. Don't love  them. But they are ok.
Her own daughter is preggers at the moment and is going through RPA as a public patient. She said that they are excellent and unless we feel like forking out 10-15 grand for an Obstetrician we really shouldn't bother.
So I think that's the way we will go. For now at least. I suppose we can always explore other options later on.
So the Mister headed off to LA on Sunday for work and a bit of pleasure thrown in for good measure. He is back Monday.
For the past 2 nights I have been staying with my close friend Philippa and her daughter Hania. Rene her husband and mine are best mates, work together and are off on this trip together.
Philippa is one in a million. She has been looking after me like only your mother does! Bless her.
Tonight I will stay at home on my own, then tomorrow I'm up early and off to my parents holiday house in Barwon Heads VIC. Going to have a bit of R & R for a few days.
Then its back to work Monday... that I am not looking forward to.

Oh! And the new EDD is 2nd Sept 2011!

This is Hania giving me "bugs" first gift... She picked it herself I have been told!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Image via - Havaianas a summer staple!
Happy 2011 everyone!
Yesterday was my first new years day without a thumping headache, hangover or wasted hours in bed!
We had a lovely NYE at our friends Rene and Philippa's (And baby Hania) there was about 15 or so of us.
Lots of laughs, fun and good times.
They live right down in Balmain East so a quick 10 meter walk from their house and your looking right at the Harbour Bridge!
I adore fireworks! And this year did not disappoint!

Yesterday we got up at a reasonable hour, but then lazed around watching a little TV and having some breaky.
I started to feel these not so nice twinges down low and was getting all worried. So I decided to head to the local book store (which was open) and purchased What to Expect - When your expecting (I've graduated from Before your expecting!) When we got home a friend called up to head over to their house... I decided to stay at home and rest.
Then later in the afternoon we headed over to Sam and Chris's to meet baby Arkie! (Born 1.43pm on the 23rd of December) She is a tiny little thing! Just like her dad! - Why is it that kids always seem to look like their dads when they are born?
Then it was home for a quiet night and me pestering Erin to pack! - He is off to the US today for work (and pleasure)
Off to the doctors again tomorrow - a long story - Will explain then.