Sunday, January 26, 2014


A portrait of my CHILDREN once a week every week in 2014
Not just daughter anymore! I have two!!!

(Linking in with Jodi from Practicing Simplicity)

Abigail: Little did we know that it was only a few short hours till you would become a big sister! You enjoyed eating 'ippy poles' with mummy as you were running a temp and mummy felt crap and this was all I could eat.

Lachlan: We welcomed you to the world exactly a month before your due date at 'technically' 35+4 weeks. You were a 'preemie' baby but a good solid and healthy 3115g's! You had to be put in oxygen and had your little dorky CPAP hat on. We thought you looked adorable!

(I do apologise if the picture of Lachlan is a little confronting, but it is life and it is what happened. He is doing ok now and although he does still have many tubes you can see on Instagram sammie_ols that he is actually looking quite lovely now) 


  1. The photo of little Lachlan definitely pulls at my mama heart strings. Glad to hear that he is doing better! Congratulations!

  2. How lovely! Congratulations on the birth of little Lachlan. And another congrats to big sister, i'm sure she will love that role :)

  3. Look at all of Abi's hair!! There's been a lot of Icey poles going down here too :)

    Oh Lachlan, what a peach! Definitely very robust for a premmie! Hope all going well as can be xoxo

  4. They're so gorgeous Sammie! Looking forward to hearing that everything has gone perfectly and Lachie will be home with you soon!

  5. Yay, for him' doin' photos. Loved the sneak peek at your kiddos


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