Monday, September 5, 2011

The Middle (Part 2 of Abigail's Birth Story)

Finally I'm back for part two.
Sorry. But I only was discharged last Monday night and couldn't get out of there quick enough!
Count... Yes... That's 6 nights I was in hospital.

Why? Not Abi. She is doing well! Really well. And settling into home life with us (we love it!)

The reason... Pre-Eclampsia.

After Abi was born we were given such a long time to bond.
We had lots of skin on skin time. She cried a lot! I had no idea a new born could actually be so loud! WOW!
Erin didn't want to cut the cord. I didn't mind. Mum was asked if she wanted to? She asked both of us if it was ok? and we were happy for her to do it.
The first time I looked at her, although yes, it was love at first sight, I really didn't know what to think? Was she a pretty baby? Was she really ours? Mixed emotions and elation all at the same time.
I was stitched (I tore) OUCH. Now I'm not sure what's worse! Child Birth or Stitches. This time the gas did really seem to help. kind of sort of. Who knows?
Abi was weighed. Erin got to help with all that. I am sure he loved every moment of it. then she was cleaned up, and wrapped (wow! A midwife really does know how to wrap a baby! They are awesome!)

We were given some more time together. We weren't rushed. I had a shower. That was strange. Looking at my body, seeing how it had already changed so much. The weird feeling I had all over.
Trying to decipher what I had just been through.

Finally at 2am! We arrived on the post natal ward. Room 1. That's us.
Mum and Erin didn't hang around for long. It was 2am! They really needed to eat and get some sleep. We all did.

I remember waking to Abi stirring. I looked at her for such a long time. Unsure what to do.
Then I picked her up. she was awake now. She started to cry. She was hungry. I didn't know what to do.
I called the midwife. And all I remember saying to her was "I know this sounds silly, but what do I do now?" And unfortunately, I don't remember waht happened after that.
I am pretty sure the midwife stayed with me and I tried to feed. I know I was unsuccessful. I was for a few days. I had to have the midwives help me to express colostrum.
Having the midwives hand expressing for you is not great. I found it very painful.

The next day, my BP started to be monitored and checked to make sure it was going down.
The whole point of having this baby out was to fix that problem.
Well the BP was playing up, it was up, it was down. It would spike at all crazy times (Mainly at night)
I had no idea just how serious this problem actually was!

I was all for looking into the early discharge program at RPA, I had heard that they really pushed this in the hospital too.
I didn't get that impression at all! I was told no, this is your first baby, your here for 4 nights and that's that.
We decided to organise a small BBQ at home with a few couples and their children for Saturday night.
I always said I didn't wait visitors in he hospital so that's what we would do and then slowly catch up with everyone else as we went along.
Mum went ahead and booked her flight home for the following Tuesday, so she would be home in time for my dad's birthday and to go to a good friends mothers funeral too.

Saturday rolled around... No, sorry your not going home. BP is still not good, we are adding another medication to the list of ones you are already on.
Maybe tomorrow. Sunday rolls abound... Sorry. No. Your not going home. Your BP went crazy overnight and we can't risk it.
I was devastated. I cried and cried and cried. I looked like I hadn't slept for a year. I jsut wanted to get out of there. I was so over it. Being in Room one, right next to the nurses station, on a ward full of C-Sect babies and mothers you can imagine the buzzers going off a million times a day and night. Not to mention the screaming baby next door to us.
Thank goodness for private health insurance and covering my room (my private single bed room)
I had a new midwife that I had not seen before start that morning. She saw me in a state and had a good stern but motherly 'chat' to me about hypertension and pre-eclampsia and all the issues and figures and facts about it.
Basically, I could have had a fit and died I was that bad. (I had no symptoms at all - frustrating)
I calmed down. A little. It's not fair. I have a prefect baby, sleeps well. Hardly cries. It's not fair!
I then begged and pleaded with her to be allowed to take Abi out from the ward for a little while...
First answer - NO. I begged and pleaded a little more... We got the OK! we were not allowed to leave the hospital grounds, we could go for an hour and my husband had to bring the pram in as we were not allowed to carry her around. YIPPIEE!!! I was elated.
We went and ate lunch in the cafe.

Sunday ended and mum and Erin went home.
Sunday night the other good midwife that I loved came back on. She was sorry for me. We had a good long chat and I told her I was going to start Abi birth story. I have her details, she wants me to send it to her!

Sunday night my BP was doing ok, kind of behaving...
Monday morning rolls around... Dr. Top Dog comes to see me with his little follower... I was to be monitored for the rest of the day and that would make the decision later on...
That meant rest, rest rest. I took it really easy. I calmed down and did as I was told.
Later that day, much later that day the little follower came back to see me... I was worried. There had been a small spike or two during the day...
I made a bit of a deal with them... It wasn't that bad. They were kind of happy... Rather than stay in over night again, I promised that I would come to the hypertension clinic the next morning...

We got the ok! I couldn't pack quick enough! We were breaking out! We were going HOME!
We were so quick that I totally forgot that I haven't had my whooping cough vaccination! Who cares! I'm going HOME!

And that we did! Monday night we arrived home at about 7pm. Abi well over due for a feed, but we were home!
Mum had a curry in the slow cooker, we opened champagne!

So we have been home a week (tonight)
Abi is doing well.
I'm doing well.
Taking 3 types of meds and back off the the hypertension clinic tomorrow, but we are HOME!

Will have to get around to giving a we are home update soon.
I think this was the hardest post to write, even harder than the actual birth.
I don't think I have written it at well as I would have liked, but it's done all the same...

Here's a few more very early (still in hospital) photos.

One VERY proud dad

Being weighed and measured

Pround Aunty Emma who luckily was coming to Sydney for work & got to come visit!

Super excited and proud nana who was at the birth too!

First bath (by dad) who now has taken over bath time at home. Abi LOVES the bath.

Teaching dad to change a nappie. That's right folks... never changed a nappie before. Abi HATES nappie change time.

Breaking out! We are going home!!! So tiny, none of her clothes fit! (Especially the going home outfit we had picked)
I decided to call this post "The Middle" because there is no end.
Abi's story to me will be never ending.


  1. Abi is so cute! Looking forward to hearing more about her as she grows! I'm beginning to realise nothing goes according to plan when babies are involved. The more babies I see and hear about, the more I want one.

  2. Abi is soooooo cute. I love her expression from her first bath from her Dad! Sooo cute!!!

    My sister-in-law had pre-eclampsia too- quite scary. Get lots of rest and enjoy your beautiful baby girl!

  3. What a little doll! Happy to hear you're home and feeling better. You've captured your the moments so well, I got a little teary for you.

  4. I wonder why husbands are reluctant to cut the cord? My hubby was not into and was peer pressured by all the staff in the operating theatre. In retrospect he was glad he did it twice :)

  5. Glad you are home and well and hope that all is well tomorrow too.

  6. This post made me cry so much.

    So happy you are both home. Enjoy this wonderful time getting to know each other. Abi is beautiful xo

  7. Oh you poor thing! Especially when all you want to do is go home and be with your brand new family.

    I reckon my Mum will wind up cutting the cord, Hubby really doesn't seem keen and I don't want to push him.

    I hope you're feeling more relaxed now (or as relaxed as you can with a beautiful newborn, Abi is so precious!).

  8. Ahh how lovely to be enjoying your new baby in the comfort of your own home.
    I know the feeling, we couldn't get out of the hospital fast enough.. and only had to put up with 3 nights!
    The pre-ecplmpsia sounds quite sinister, hope you are managing to take care of yourself, not just taking care of Abi!

    haha so true the birth story does feel a bit neverending at times!

  9. PS. also wanted to add that you are doing a great job re-counting your birth story! I remember writing mine down in a frenzy so I wouldn't forget.. but when I went back to read over it later on, it hardly made sense!! (I have since edited it slightly to make it more readable)
    It's important and cathartic to get it all down, thanks for sharing with us.
    My Mum and Husband were there too and I also asked them to write down their versions as well all focused and remember it slightly differently. I have printed off and put in a box with other keepsakes I am holding for Bay

  10. Hi! I've been following your blog for a little while now and just wanted to pass on my congratulations to you and your lovely little family! Such an exciting journey and a beautiful beginning captured fabulously. Couldn't hold back the tears here either.
    All the very best and wishing you a speedy recovery.

  11. ah your last line just got the tears flowing, glad you are all safe and home.

  12. I'm a world of tears at the moment.
    Thank you all so much for taking the time to read our story...
    It will just continue on from here!

    BTW - The deck is finished! - I can actually post about something other than Abi! ha ha!

  13. Oh I can so relate to those feelings about wanting to go home!!!

    Beautiful photos lovey. What a gorgeous, happy family you all make. x

  14. It's taken me awhile to catch up with your blog but I'm so glad I did. Congratulations! What a gorgeous and healthy little girl. Thank you for sharing your birth story - you will now have it to show Abigail one day! x


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