Saturday, April 5, 2014

Catching up on 52

I'm catching up! from 9 - 13 of the 52 project. I'll start linking up to Jodi again tomorrow.

9/52 - Home again after being readmitted to RCH with an infection. On the mend.

9/52 - OMG my brothers home again and no ones getting any sleep. The ultimate in bed hair!

10/52 - Noooo! No photos please! Such a big girl with personality. Knows exactly what she does (& doesn't) want.

10/52 - 4kgs! This is a huge milestone! The boy needs to grow!  All he had been doing was loosing due to the infection.

11/52 - Behaved like a newborn when we finally got to do his photos. He was 6 weeks old. Can't wait to share some!

11/52 - Out for dinner. And such a book worm. So well behaved when out and about too! 

11/52 - Baby in a bag. From when Abi was born all babes need to have a 'funny' photo. We finally got one at 7 weeks and its great! Screamed within seconds of this being taken.

11/52 - headed to Wangaratta for a family wedding (my cousin) They used two of dads old Benz' for the bridal party/wedding cars. Abi seems to LOVE cars. I suppose with a dad and grandfather in the business it was inevitable.

12/52 - Milkshakes in jars in Richmond after buying a big girl bed (its serious business)

12/52 - Mummy cuddles after his second operation.  He recovered well. Though we still had to have an overnight stay due to age and having anashetic. Still have had more nights in hospy than out.

13/52 - Melbourne Museum. Kids area. Both educational and fun! We now have an annual membership.

13/52 - How on earth yu snuggled so far down I'll never know!  But you did go on to sleep for hours and hours! 


  1. All gorgeous but I love Abi's bed hair the best!

  2. Fabulous photos. It's a toss up between bed head and handbag for me!

  3. I agree with Emma! I love the bed head and Baby in Handbag photos! And thanks for this blog. My hubby and I are newly married and going to be trying for a baby in the next year. You're my hero!

  4. Lachie looks so much like Erin!! Loving these pics of him.. So glad he's started gaining weight.. and is back home again! Gosh you guys have been through the wringer!
    Ahh Abi! You make me smile! That bed hair is too cute! She's as adorable as ever xo

  5. I keep saying this but you guys make gorgeous kids. Loving all these photos, I reckon Abi and Logan have the same kinda 'tude going on :)


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