Saturday, December 3, 2011

Nappy Bag

There is so much choice out there when it comes to nappy bags.
I thought I would share mine...

Its a little pouch with a matching change mat (which is a great size!)
I carry around this in my hand bag or normally just in the bottom of the pram.
I figure all I need is a few nappies, travel wipes, cream and a change of clothes.
The change of clothes changes depending on the weather.
These bags and change mats are from a lady that sells them at the Balmain markets on a Saturday.
A few of my friends have them too and also have found this to be the best option. 
I have only ever once been caught out and not had the necessities... And that was a change of clothes... I was flying and wanted to keep the amount of stuff I had to a minimum... So I took out the change of clothes... We had a poo explosion... I frantically spent $55 on a new outfit at Seed at Melbourne Airport for Abi... I don't even like the outfit!

Do you have a full nappy bag? Or did you choose to go with something smaller? 
What works for you?


  1. I have a full hedgren nappy bag. I have the small travel bag and love it because it's light weight and roomy so when I found out they made nappy bags I had to go with it. It's very light compared to the rest of the nappy bags I had seen. I carry everything in it - food, snacks, thermos, nappies and two changes of clothes (I'm paranoid).

    Mrs A

  2. urgh I hate traditional nappy bags with a passion! I use my regular leather bag (though upgraded to a bigger sized one!) and carry minimal supplies! In a year I've only been caught out once but it was when tallulah was really young (full explosion!) and I just bought a bonds onesie from Coles! Now that Tallulah is eating I have a little lunch box which I put all her snacks etc into which fits into my handbag too! I hate carrying around excess stuff!

  3. I love this pouch idea. I'm pregnant with my first and really don;t want to lug around another bag. Do you know if the retailer has an online site? Or even her name - I might have to get my sydney friends to seek her out! Thanks!!

  4. I don't have the details, but will try to get them on the weekend and post here for you!

  5. I really appreciate this - thanks!


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